The log for today brings lists and preparation, not so much any hands-on electronics. Today we caught up with the Bowie Power Pack kits by making the packing list, and printing it for all 10 kits. As well, there is the wiring diagram that is included. Most of the time when making the packing list goes in to cross checking and making sure multiple lists are up to date – between excel, the packing list, what was actually packed, and scribbles across various sticky notes. As well, the packing lists have images of each part, and making or finding those images takes time.
Today also meant that since the Power Pack kit is nearing completion, then we can look at one of the next ones, which is the Super Bright Lights kit. Parts were ordered for this. Preparation started by checking and improving the bill of materials and making the packing list. The next one after Super Bright Lights kit will be the Motor kit, some preparation went in to this too.
Juggling back and forth between excel, pages, photoshop, 3d printer slicers, and finder can sometimes be chaotic. The photos below capture the seemingly un-chaotic aspect of this.
- Packing list for Bowie Power Pack kit
- Two kits with their 3D printed enclosures
- Paper for the other 8 kits
- Folded paper
- Stacked paper
- Preparation for Bowie Super Bright Lights kit
- And some preparation for Motor kit
The reason why there are a few kit logs skipped (started at #003, this is now #007) is because there are a few steps in between then and now. These are:
004 = power pack assembly – gone wrong
005 = power pack assembly – right this time
006 = power pack kit packing progress
They’ll be added in some time. That’s all for now, it’s 60 seconds until “tomorrow”, and now it’s time to get ready for taking the Super Bright Lights kit assembly photos tomorrow.