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This is the html test for displaying the test pieces. The html structure will be used in the python program for formatting the sheets to display on the website. Instead of showing a screenshot, you can see an example of this below!

Here you can find all the 3D models to print, and see what it looks like when assembled. Not sure what piece you have? Check out the augmented reality view* to compare the piece side by side. *Coming soon, and requires an iOS device and tapping the ‘AR’ button

Electronics Box Upper


This is the lid for the brain electronics. Print face down with supports for the tabs.

Download .stl

Electronics Box Lower


This is where the brain electronics go. There are to be 4x M3 heatset inserts placed into the inner tabs, where the circuit board will be mounted. As well, 4x M3 heatset inserts on the outer tabs. Print in this orientation seen, with support for the tabs.

Download .stl

Home Instructions

Page last updated on: Tue Apr 7 18:47:49 2020