by Erin RobotGrrl | Mar 28, 2020 | Collaboration Logs, News
Today we started 3D printing the updated CAD model pieces from the uOttawa group! Just like a teleporter, from their computer to reality over here. It’s great! These pieces will be used to assemble the complete IR camera pieces and mount. The Raspberry Pi goes onto the case and into the shell, which mounts onto the top of Bowie’s chassis.
Slicing with the ancient software: Replicator G
Some warping issues
New pieces printed
Print error
Used glue stick, print is working better
Print of Pi shell complete!
Next update will show the complete assembly of this, stay tuned! And good luck to the uOttawa team this week with their presentation!
by Erin RobotGrrl | Mar 25, 2020 | Collaboration Logs, News
We met with some of the uOttawa group and discussed the CAD model and the object detection training model. It was interesting, for the object detection model, there are some out there, like this one on kaggle for garbage detection. If we can build on this, it will help get ahead faster.
The Garbage Classification Dataset contains 6 classifications: cardboard (393), glass (491), metal (400), paper(584), plastic (472) and trash(127).
The CAD model is ready to be printed! We have a printer here, and this seems quite like teleportation. We will begin printing it asap (waiting on some PTFE oil before starting a long print).
Beck is still working on the drive system instructions, but no progress was made since last update.
The uOttawa team has their presentation coming up soon! Thank you to their effort this semester!
by Erin RobotGrrl | Mar 24, 2020 | News, Progress Logs
Today we helped to set up the drive system sheet for Beck to fill in with the guide description. This involved dividing the steps into parts, and adding the images. The CAD models with the screws added helped tremendously to recount them all and add them too.
Drive sys instructions
Add in screws
Super bright lights kit wording
Arm sheet
Arm pieces
In addition to this, the super bright lights product description was added, and reviewed the arms sheet while starting on those pieces. The idea for the pieces will be to display it on a page where the 3D model is seen beside the quantity and print instruction. Additionally, we want to add in an AR quick look view, using the .usdz format. Step by step!
by Erin RobotGrrl | Mar 23, 2020 | News, Progress Logs
Today we finished the brain kit landing page. It contains all the info in one place about the brain kit, what it does, and how to get started. Go check it out! This will be our template for the other kit landing pages as well.
The progress started two days ago (March 21), but only finished today (March 23) because of figuring out how to make the gallery work. The brain kit links to its page on the store, and now it is complete. Actually, upon writing this, just realised that the 3d models are missing. They will likely go in to the guide page.
by Erin RobotGrrl | Mar 19, 2020 | Collaboration Logs, News
Our first virtual meeting! This week we went over button parsing for the Operator Interface, and discussed about the RPi mount for the pan-tilt and IR camera. We had a few people from the uOttawa group connect, it was good to test out the technology. We used Jitsi Meet for the video call, it is open source!