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Kit Log #031: Steps sorted, and partial power pack progress

Kit Log #031: Steps sorted, and partial power pack progress

Today we made partial progress on all of the instructions. The power pack instructions in google sheets was updated to the proper parts – the last of the transportation from google docs. Then, the process began of going through each of the kits and finding where each part started and stopped, then going through and listing out the step numbers. Once this was complete, the written descriptions could be started for the power pack kit.

Starting the writing for the power pack kit revealed that the diagram was missing the labels for the lengths that the wires have to be cut. So, this had to be edited. Once that edit was done, the instructions were updated to include reference to the wire label.

The power pack kit progress remains at the start of part 4. #35/102. The next kit log will continue on this progress.

Kit Log #030: Nav menu and some words

Kit Log #030: Nav menu and some words

Today we made the navigation menu to display the pages in the proper order, and we can choose which pages. We also worked on organizing the parts to the corresponding photo #’s. For super bright lights, operator interface, and wheel kit, this all was simple. However, the power pack kit was put into parts via letter, so it is more cumbersome to match them to the photo #’s. It’s been a learning experience to see the best ways on how to organise everything.

The next kit log will hopefully have additional progress on the written descriptions.

Kit Log #029: Brain kit csv to tables

Kit Log #029: Brain kit csv to tables

This is one of those updates where a lot of the previous effort starts to look like it is starting to come to fruition. Today we did the manual work of moving the descriptions from google docs to sheets for the brain kit. However, before jumping in to the next step, first we had to do some edits that we stumbled across that were not complete. In total, there were 24 edits that had to be made.

After that, export as csv and write the python script to translate that into the html for the tables. A couple of tweaks were needed, then it was ready. Exported all of the text files for each separate part, then copy and pasted them into wordpress pages. What a treat to finally see this (almost) live! See it for yourself here. (And the other pages in the navigation bar.)

A few more additions are necessary, such as the descriptions for each part, as well as buttons to advance or go to the previous page. The dropdown menu orders the list 1. 10. 11. 2., so not sure how to fix that apart from putting z in front of 10 and 11.

The next steps will be to continue the written descriptions for kit log. Power pack is the next one in line.

Kit Log #028: Scripts and photos on the page

Kit Log #028: Scripts and photos on the page

Today we wrote two simple scripts to help automate some of this. The first one was a simple one to put the sequence of images for steps into a csv file, which is then imported into google sheets. This worked, and now the written instruction descriptions for the power pack, super bright lights, operator interface, and wheel kit, are waiting to be written. After this is done, another script will need to be written to take that export of csv, and turn it in to the html for the tables. See the work in progress here.

The next one was also a simple script to take a sequence and generate the html for the tables. This one is sort of manual, because it’s taking what we see on the brain kit instructions in google docs, and preparing it for the tables. Inserting the descriptions will be a manual process still.

The next steps are all somewhat manual intensive, so it will mainly be about chipping away at the tasks until they are complete.

Kit Log #027: Minor mobile adjustment

Kit Log #027: Minor mobile adjustment

Today’s kit log is just a minor adjustment to the flexbox css so that the tables displayed properly on mobile. Previously, the image was not resizing to be small enough to be centred. With some tweaking, this is now fixed.

Not as much on the kit log today; the next one will resume progress on the scripts for the instruction content as mentioned yesterday.